The Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand (CLAANZ)

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Untangling the cords: Related Party Transactions, Conflicts of Interests and Conflicts of Duties

Thursday 19 September 2024, 1-2pm AEST; 11-12pm AWST; 3-4pm NZST, via Teams

Register now.

Related party transactions and conflicts of interest are an increasing area of focus for regulators, particularly the ACNC and ATO. However, it’s an area that has been described as having “palpable incoherence and uncertainty”.*

In this webinar, Elizabeth Shalders (Special Counsel in the NFPs, Human Rights & Social Impact team at Mills Oakley) and Jeff Tulk (Audit Partner at Saward Dawson Accountants) will discuss the key issues that practitioners need to be aware of when they are advising clients in this field.

About Elizabeth:
Elizabeth Shalders is Special Counsel at Mills Oakley and has been practising solely in the field of Not-for-profit law and governance for nearly 15 years.  Elizabeth possesses a thorough understanding of the sector and how it operates.  Elizabeth regularly advises faith-based organisations, independent schools (large and small), public benevolent institutions, industry and professional associations, charitable trusts, ancillary funds and other Not-for-profits.

About Jeff:
Jeff Tulk is a registered company auditor and a financial reporting and assurance specialist. Jeff has over 20 years audit experience and has worked with clients ranging from small not-for-profits through to ASX listed entities with international operations. Jeff is passionate about the not-for-profit sector. Jeff delivers governance training and advice to Saward Dawson clients as well as being a regular presenter for the Governance Institute’s Certificate in Governance in Not-For-Profits.  Jeff is a Graduate member of the AICD and a member of the AASB NFP Advisory Panel.

*Rosemary Langford, “Conflicts and Coherence in the Charities Sphere: Would a Conflict by any Other Name Proscribe the Same?”, Melbourne Legal Studies Research Paper Series No. 899, Melbourne Law School.

2024 Charity Cases of Note webinar

Monday 19 August 2024, via Zoom

Watch the recording on YouTube.

In this online event, Murray Baird, Ian Murray and Myles McGregor-Lowndes reflected on some of the important charity cases handed down in the first half of 2024. The cases included Grain Technology Australia Ltd v Rosewood Research Pty Ltd (No 3) [2023] NSWSC 238 and associated litigation (companies with charitable objects), Housing Choices Australia Limited v Attorney General for the State of Victoria [2024] VSC 107 (cy près scheme) and a miscellany of interesting judgments from English, Canadian and US courts.

2024 CLAANZ Annual Conference: Global issues facing charities

Thursday 4 July - Friday 5 July, 2024, National Library, Wellington (NZ) and online

The 2024 conference was held in Wellington, New Zealand - review the final program for a look over the sessions.

We welcomed almost 60 delegates to Welllington and another 60 or so online. Thanks to all our wonderful speakers and participants for making it yet another successful charity law event.

Webinar: Donor Advised Funds & Community Foundations: An Asia-Pacific Comparison of Public Philanthropic Intermediaries

Tuesday 12 March, 11am AWST / 2pm AEDT / 4pm NZDT, online via Zoom

Watch the recording on YouTube and review the slides.

Thank you for joining Professor Ian Murray, Chair of CLAANZ, in conversation with Professor Masayuki Tamaruya, Professor of Law at The University of Tokyo.


2023 CLAANZ Annual Lecture and 4th John Emerson AM Oration

Wednesday 29 November 2023, Sydney and online

The Charity Law Association of Australia and New Zealand, in conjunction with the Law Council of Australia Legal Practice Section's Charities and Not-for-Profit Committee, and the University of Sydney Law School, hosted the CLAANZ Annual Lecture and 4th John Emerson AM Oration.

The Oration was delivered by the Hon Justice Mark Leeming, New South Wales Court of Appeal and Challis Lecturer in Equity Sydney Law School, on ‘Statutory Eucalypts in the Law of Charity’. The address focussed on the often hidden interaction between statute law and equity as it relates to the law of charity.

In promoting its objective of charity law education, CLAANZ holds an Annual Public Lecture, which is open to anyone with an interest in charity law and the not-for-profit sector. The Annual Lecture addresses key, contemporary legal issues in the charity and not-for-profit sectors in Australia and New Zealand.

This event was not recorded.

2023 CLAANZ Conference and AGM

Thursday 27 July 2023, Melbourne and online

Thank you to Corrs Chambers Westgarth for kindly hosting our annual conference this year.

The recordings and slides are now available online.

Find out more about membership!

Please note - if you are seeking legal representation or advice: This is not a law firm and we are therefore unable to provide any legal advice, nor are we able to recommend any law firms. These sites may be of assistance to you: Australian Bar AssociationAustralian Pro Bono Centre; Australian Law Societies.